Following a process-driven, generative design approach we develop custom computer programs and analog-digital prototypes to realize tailor-made design and functionality. Our work is usually implemented in the context of exhibitions, museums, showrooms and stores for clients such as companies, cultural institutions, agencies and artists.
Photo Nathan Ishar
is designer and programmer with a focus on generative design. He studied visual communication at the University of Arts Berlin and received his diploma in new media design in 2006. Since then he works as a computational designer creating interactive installations, animations, apps, interfaces, dynamic brands, kinetic objects and hybrid spaces. Michael co-founded NEOANALOG and teaches in the field of media design and creative coding. He lives with his family in Cologne, Germany.
Personal site:
is a interaction designer from Cologne, Germany. He holds degrees in both information technology and design. He studied at Köln International School of Design (KISD) and Chiba University, Japan, where he spent two terms. Willem focuses heavily on web technology and creative coding, 3D-animation and illustration. Aside from his work he has been teaching at various universities.
Personal site:
Our studio is embedded into an open group of designers, engineers, developers and entrepreneurs. We share office space, lab and workshop and exchange knowledge and skills.
Behind the scenes talk »Augmented Reality: Der Weg in die Virtualität«, Online-Mittagsserie »Augusta Raurica digital«, Augusta Raurica Museum, Schweiz (2023)
»UDARNIKI 2.0« at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2022)
Talk about »Particle Flow« and »Digital Ghosts«, Process Festival, Tyde Studios Dortmund (2018)
»A Touch of Code«, KISDtalk, Köln International School of Design, TH Köln (2016)
»Generative Design & Behind the scenes of Flux«, Guest lecture as part of the series "Design, Technology and Innovation" at Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve (2016)
»Gestalten mit Code« & Workshop, Talk as part of designers’ CIRCLE at Georg Simon Ohm Hochschule, Nürnberg (2014)
»Generative Gestaltung« & Workshop as part of des »Wyssenstransfers« at wysiwyg* software design GmbH, Düsseldorf (2013)
»Evolutionary Algorithms in Fonts and Logotype Design«, C. Stem Conference, Turin, Italy (2007)
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Transmediale, Berlin (2005)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Generative Art Conference Mailan, Italy (2004)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Viper Basel, Schwitzerland (2004)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Typo Berlin (2004)
»Projekt show: digital basics«, Transmediale, Berlin (2003)
Workshop on Augmented Reality. Transformation Design, Hochschule Augsburg, October 2022
Introduction Machine Learning, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, SS 2022
Workshop on generative design & introduction to processing. AIB – Akademie für Internationale Bildung Bonn, April 2020
Workshop on generative design: Letters of code, NYUAD – New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 2019
Medium term project: VRenice Beach / Leave your body at the door – out of body experiences in Virtual Reality, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, SS 2019
Lectureship: Generatives Gestalten als Entwurfsprozess, Faculty for Architecture, Cologne Institute of Architectural Design, TH Köln, WS 2017/18
Short term project: Coded Space – Virtuellen Raum gestalten und erfahrbar machen, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2017/18
Lectureship: Generative : Design : by Nature: „Procedural Landscapes“, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2016/17
Lectureship: Generative : Design : by Nature, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2015/16
Lectureship: Creative Coding: Natural Phenomena, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2015/16
Lectureship: Daylight – Interdisciplinary project on the design of informative and interactive exhibits of the campus, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2014/15
Lectureship: Coded Transformation & Dynamic Logos, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2013/14
Lectureship: Poetic Landscapes, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, SS 2013
Lectureship: Grundlagen der Mediengestaltung, Lectures, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2012/13
Lectureship: Grundlagen der Mediengestaltung, Training, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2012/13
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Digital Witness: Algorithmic Spaces for Typography and Language, Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT), Pasadena, CA, USA, November 14, 2024 – April 27, 2025
»Particle Flow – a kinetic motion study«, B-Seite – Festival für visuelle Kunst und Jetztkultur, Mannheim, March 2019
»Digital Ghosts«, Process Festival, Tyde Studios Dortmund, October 2018
»Digital Ghosts«, DWNRW Summit 2017, Düsseldorf, 2017
»Digital Ghosts«, Platine Festival, Köln, 2016
»This is not Pollock«, Platine Festival, Köln, 2016
»Viva Voce«, Kleiner Wasserspeicher, Berlin, 2015
»Digital Ghosts«, Digital_ia Festival, Stettin, Polen, 2015
»Viva Voce«, Sweet Thunder Festival, Firehouse, Fort Mason, San Francisco, USA, 2014
»Digital Ghosts«, AnalogMenschDigital-Exhibition by Shutterstock, Direktorenhaus, Berlin, 2014
»Viva Voce«, Premiere, Human Resources Chinatown, Los Angeles, USA, 2013
»Evolving Logo and genoTyp«, C. Stem Conference, Turin, Italy, 2007
»Leonardo«-Robot, Exhibition »Robots«, Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim, 2007
»Leonardo«-Robot, »Lange Nacht der Museen Berlin«, Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, 2007
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Generative Art Conference, Mailan, Italy, 2004
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Viper Basel, Switzerland, 2004
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, DMY, Berlin, 2004
»Evolving Logo« featured in the book »DYNAMIC IDENTITIES: AN ANALYSIS – A NEW CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM«, by Sergio Corinna, liberedizioni, 2023
»genoTyp« featured in the book »Hypercréation – Petit Manuel Pour Apprivoiser Les C-Borgs« by Flavien Chervet, Collection les viatiques de la créativité n° L3.1, Les editions Nulls In Verba, 2023
NEOANALOG and „Flux“ in „Brand New – Expo Design & Eventconcept“, p. 58 et. seqq., m-a Verlag, 2016
„Digital Ghosts“ and studio portrait in „AnalogMenschDigital – Design an der Schnittstelle“, P. 66 et. seqq., shutterstock, 2014
„Evolving Logo“ in „Dynamic Logo: Dynamic Brand Identities“, P. 142 et. seqq., Lin Xianwei, DoPress, Shenyang, China, 2013
„Evolving Logo“ in „Dynamic Identities: How to Create a Living Brand“, P. 184 et. seqq., Irene van Nes, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012
„genoTyp and Evolving Logo“ in „Generative Gestaltung: Entwerfen. Programmieren. Visualisieren“, P. 140 et. seqq., Claudius Lazzeroni (publisher), Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Hermann Schmidt Verlag, Mainz, 2009
„genoTyp“ in „Data Pilot 1.0. Sticker Compilation: Ein Flug über die Aussenhaut der Kommunikation“, P. 20 et. seqq., Björn B. Peters, Paul Wagner, Designklinik, Esslingen, 2006
„Particle Flow – kinetic motion study“ in the exhibition area of, Filip Visnjic, September 2017
„Particle Flow makes granules tumble in interesting patterns“ in the maker area of, Arduino Team, 31.03.2017
„Particle Flow – kinetic motion study“ on , Filip Visnjic, 14.02.2017
Studio portrait NEOANALOG & Flux, „Uns ist die Gefühlsebene wichtig“ on shutterstock Blog DE, Valentin von Vocano, 17.06.2016
„hellauf“, Dynamic Logo in Page 11.2015, Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2014
Studio portrait Universal Interaction on shutterstock Blog DE, Valentin von Vocano, 29.08.2014
„Augmented Reality for Exhibitions“ auf Metaio Blog, Dezember 2013
„genoTyp“ in Inform Nr. 15, art-media-edition Verlag Freiburg, Oktober 2009
„Evolving Logo“ on the topic logo design in Page 4/2008, Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2008
„Evolving Logo. Generative graphics and organic information design“ on, Sascha Pohflepp, 08.12.2006
„genoTyp“ in Form – Zeitschrift für Gestaltung Mai/June 2005, Verlag form GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
„genoTyp“ in Page 8/2004, P. 54 et. seqq., Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2004
Let's talk. Contact us.
Following a process-driven, generative design approach we develop custom computer programs and analog-digital prototypes to realize tailor-made design and functionality. Our work is usually implemented in the context of exhibitions, museums, showrooms and stores for clients such as companies, cultural institutions, agencies and artists.
Photo Nathan Ishar
is designer and programmer with a focus on generative design. He studied visual communication at the University of Arts Berlin and received his diploma in new media design in 2006. Since then he works as a computational designer creating interactive installations, animations, apps, interfaces, dynamic brands, kinetic objects and hybrid spaces. Michael co-founded NEOANALOG and teaches in the field of media design and creative coding. He lives with his family in Cologne, Germany.
Personal site:
is a interaction designer from Cologne, Germany. He holds degrees in both information technology and design. He studied at Köln International School of Design (KISD) and Chiba University, Japan, where he spent two terms. Willem focuses heavily on web technology and creative coding, 3D-animation and illustration. Aside from his work he has been teaching at various universities.
Personal site:
Our studio is embedded into an open group of designers, engineers, developers and entrepreneurs. We share office space, lab and workshop and exchange knowledge and skills.
Behind the scenes talk »Augmented Reality: Der Weg in die Virtualität«, Online-Mittagsserie »Augusta Raurica digital«, Augusta Raurica Museum, Schweiz (2023)
»UDARNIKI 2.0« at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2022)
Talk about »Particle Flow« and »Digital Ghosts«, Process Festival, Tyde Studios Dortmund (2018)
»A Touch of Code«, KISDtalk, Köln International School of Design, TH Köln (2016)
»Generative Design & Behind the scenes of Flux«, Guest lecture as part of the series "Design, Technology and Innovation" at Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve (2016)
»Gestalten mit Code« & Workshop, Talk as part of designers’ CIRCLE at Georg Simon Ohm Hochschule, Nürnberg (2014)
»Generative Gestaltung« & Workshop as part of des »Wyssenstransfers« at wysiwyg* software design GmbH, Düsseldorf (2013)
»Evolutionary Algorithms in Fonts and Logotype Design«, C. Stem Conference, Turin, Italy (2007)
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Transmediale, Berlin (2005)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Generative Art Conference Mailan, Italy (2004)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Viper Basel, Schwitzerland (2004)
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Typo Berlin (2004)
»Projekt show: digital basics«, Transmediale, Berlin (2003)
Workshop on Augmented Reality. Transformation Design, Hochschule Augsburg, October 2022
Introduction Machine Learning, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, SS 2022
Workshop on generative design & introduction to processing. AIB – Akademie für Internationale Bildung Bonn, April 2020
Workshop on generative design: Letters of code, NYUAD – New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 2019
Medium term project: VRenice Beach / Leave your body at the door – out of body experiences in Virtual Reality, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, SS 2019
Lectureship: Generatives Gestalten als Entwurfsprozess, Faculty for Architecture, Cologne Institute of Architectural Design, TH Köln, WS 2017/18
Short term project: Coded Space – Virtuellen Raum gestalten und erfahrbar machen, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2017/18
Lectureship: Generative : Design : by Nature: „Procedural Landscapes“, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2016/17
Lectureship: Generative : Design : by Nature, KISD – Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, WS 2015/16
Lectureship: Creative Coding: Natural Phenomena, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2015/16
Lectureship: Daylight – Interdisciplinary project on the design of informative and interactive exhibits of the campus, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2014/15
Lectureship: Coded Transformation & Dynamic Logos, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2013/14
Lectureship: Poetic Landscapes, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, SS 2013
Lectureship: Grundlagen der Mediengestaltung, Lectures, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2012/13
Lectureship: Grundlagen der Mediengestaltung, Training, Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück, WS 2012/13
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Digital Witness: Algorithmic Spaces for Typography and Language, Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT), Pasadena, CA, USA, November 14, 2024 – April 27, 2025
»Particle Flow – a kinetic motion study«, B-Seite – Festival für visuelle Kunst und Jetztkultur, Mannheim, March 2019
»Digital Ghosts«, Process Festival, Tyde Studios Dortmund, October 2018
»Digital Ghosts«, DWNRW Summit 2017, Düsseldorf, 2017
»Digital Ghosts«, Platine Festival, Köln, 2016
»This is not Pollock«, Platine Festival, Köln, 2016
»Viva Voce«, Kleiner Wasserspeicher, Berlin, 2015
»Digital Ghosts«, Digital_ia Festival, Stettin, Polen, 2015
»Viva Voce«, Sweet Thunder Festival, Firehouse, Fort Mason, San Francisco, USA, 2014
»Digital Ghosts«, AnalogMenschDigital-Exhibition by Shutterstock, Direktorenhaus, Berlin, 2014
»Viva Voce«, Premiere, Human Resources Chinatown, Los Angeles, USA, 2013
»Evolving Logo and genoTyp«, C. Stem Conference, Turin, Italy, 2007
»Leonardo«-Robot, Exhibition »Robots«, Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim, 2007
»Leonardo«-Robot, »Lange Nacht der Museen Berlin«, Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, 2007
»genoTyp – An experiment about genetic typography«, Generative Art Conference, Mailan, Italy, 2004
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, Viper Basel, Switzerland, 2004
»genoTyp –An experiment about genetic typography«, DMY, Berlin, 2004
»Evolving Logo« featured in the book »DYNAMIC IDENTITIES: AN ANALYSIS – A NEW CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM«, by Sergio Corinna, liberedizioni, 2023
»genoTyp« featured in the book »Hypercréation – Petit Manuel Pour Apprivoiser Les C-Borgs« by Flavien Chervet, Collection les viatiques de la créativité n° L3.1, Les editions Nulls In Verba, 2023
NEOANALOG and „Flux“ in „Brand New – Expo Design & Eventconcept“, p. 58 et. seqq., m-a Verlag, 2016
„Digital Ghosts“ and studio portrait in „AnalogMenschDigital – Design an der Schnittstelle“, P. 66 et. seqq., shutterstock, 2014
„Evolving Logo“ in „Dynamic Logo: Dynamic Brand Identities“, P. 142 et. seqq., Lin Xianwei, DoPress, Shenyang, China, 2013
„Evolving Logo“ in „Dynamic Identities: How to Create a Living Brand“, P. 184 et. seqq., Irene van Nes, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012
„genoTyp and Evolving Logo“ in „Generative Gestaltung: Entwerfen. Programmieren. Visualisieren“, P. 140 et. seqq., Claudius Lazzeroni (publisher), Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Hermann Schmidt Verlag, Mainz, 2009
„genoTyp“ in „Data Pilot 1.0. Sticker Compilation: Ein Flug über die Aussenhaut der Kommunikation“, P. 20 et. seqq., Björn B. Peters, Paul Wagner, Designklinik, Esslingen, 2006
„Particle Flow – kinetic motion study“ in the exhibition area of, Filip Visnjic, September 2017
„Particle Flow makes granules tumble in interesting patterns“ in the maker area of, Arduino Team, 31.03.2017
„Particle Flow – kinetic motion study“ on , Filip Visnjic, 14.02.2017
Studio portrait NEOANALOG & Flux, „Uns ist die Gefühlsebene wichtig“ on shutterstock Blog DE, Valentin von Vocano, 17.06.2016
„hellauf“, Dynamic Logo in Page 11.2015, Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2014
Studio portrait Universal Interaction on shutterstock Blog DE, Valentin von Vocano, 29.08.2014
„Augmented Reality for Exhibitions“ auf Metaio Blog, Dezember 2013
„genoTyp“ in Inform Nr. 15, art-media-edition Verlag Freiburg, Oktober 2009
„Evolving Logo“ on the topic logo design in Page 4/2008, Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2008
„Evolving Logo. Generative graphics and organic information design“ on, Sascha Pohflepp, 08.12.2006
„genoTyp“ in Form – Zeitschrift für Gestaltung Mai/June 2005, Verlag form GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
„genoTyp“ in Page 8/2004, P. 54 et. seqq., Ebner Verlag Hamburg, 2004
Let's talk. Contact us.
© 2022 NEOANALOG studio for hybrid things & spaces